- Brandon Le Clerk
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Employment in Naples
While Naples has experienced contractions in growth in all of these sectors, its purchasing power has remained stable, thanks in no small part to the commercial port — one of the busiest in the Mediterranean.
Work Permits for Naples
The visa requirements for foreigners moving to Italy is dependent on their nationality. Citizens of EU member states can live and work in the area without obtaining residency permits, although most will have to declare their presence to local authorities.
American and Canadian citizens do not require visas to enter Italy for work or tourism, providing their stay does not exceed 90 days. For longer periods and permanent residence, non-nationals are required to apply for a visa.
Italy’s visa system is complicated; however, if you are moving due to work, then your employer will need to issue you a work permit before you can apply for a Working Visa from the Italian Consulate. Visas for students, family members and those with the means to take up residency without a job are also available.
Job Hunting in Naples
There is a demand for English-speaking nannies and au pairs within the city, and available positions can be found on a number of international job boards specializing in the child care sector. The nature of these positions vary, some provide accommodation while others entail long hours, so be aware of what your employer requires and take your time in choosing a suitable situation.
While many Neapolitans speak good English, it is by no means a ubiquitous skill, and most employers are likely to require at least a conversational understanding of Italian.
There is also a demand for English teachers in the country in general, and positions can be found through online job boards, school web sites, and industry publications.
There are a number of agencies that specialize in matching qualified English teachers to open positions across Italy. However, while some will allow you to stipulate a desired region, there is no guarantee that you will be offered a role within the city of Naples itself.
Income Taxation in Naples
Tax in Italy is paid by scale and is determined by your income. Expats working in Naples are only obliged to pay Italian income tax if they are domiciled in the country. If you can prove that your main country of residence is not Italy, you will be subject to tax in your naturalized country.
However, if your permanent (i.e. family) home is in Italy, you conduct the majority of your business there or you reside there for 185 days or more of a year, you will be classified as a resident and obliged to pay Italian income taxes.
Italian residents are taxed on their worldwide income, but the country is a signatory of the double taxation treaty, meaning it cannot tax on income that has already been taxed by another signatory state. So, if you reside in Italy but some of your income is paid and taxed in Canada, Australia or the EU, those earnings will be exempt from taxation in Italy.