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Alicante: Where Expats Find Housing the Most Affordable

Work’s not great in Alicante. But other factors more than make up for that.

Alicante places 2nd out of 49 in the Expat City Ranking 2023. The city misses the top spot largely due to its bottom 10 ranking in the Working 51ԹϺ Index (40th). Expats report that the local business culture does not promote creativity (39th), independent work (40th), or flexibility (41st). The ratings for their personal career opportunities (40th) aren’t any better.

Alicante excels in the Ease of Settling In Index (2nd), claiming the top spot in the Culture & Welcome Subcategory (1st). Expats feel both welcome (1st) and at home (1st) there and are very happy with their social lives (1st).

And their lifestyle doesn’t seem to be restricted by costs: Alicante ranks 3rd in the Personal Finance Index. The majority of expats (78%) is happy with the general cost of living, compared to only 44% globally. In the Expat Essentials Index (9th), the city even ranks 1st globally for affordable housing.

The Quality of Life Index (5th) is another highlight for Alicante. Healthcare (5th) is both affordable (6th) and easily available (8th). Expats also enjoy the excellent local Leisure Options (7th), made sweeter by the great air quality (7th) and climate and weather (3rd). Overall, 92% of expats are happy with their life in Alicante, compared to 72% globally.

Further Reading