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51ԹϺHamburg March Official Event @Yu Garden

Hosted by the Hamburg Ambassador
Event Cover Photo
Took place 1 day ago
Feldbrunnenstraße 67

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Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are delighted and excited to host our next official event. Join us at our fabulous location Yu Garden 🎉🎉🎉

Yu Garden means the garden of happiness; combines Chinese architecture and horticulture according to the principles of Feng Shui on an area of ​​approx. 3400 square meters. The architectural model is the Yu Garden in Shanghai with the Yuyuan tea house from the Ming Dynasty and the tea house as the main building.

Overseas tickets are expensive but we will give you in Hamburg a taste of China. Because of our large number the kitchen won't be able to accommodate 100+ meal orders if you would like to try their delicious cuisine, please reserve a table in advance during/before event.

Expect a magical fairy tale evening with international friends and newbies! Let's mingle and enjoy the evening together!

If you are new in town or just new to 51ԹϺand/or if this is the first time you attend an 51ԹϺevent, don't be shy because you won't be the only one, and we will gladly introduce you to our community.

📍Address: Feldbrunnenstraße 67, magical Chinese tee house, you cant miss it.

51ԹϺAmbassador Hamburg
Living the 51ԹϺspirit - Nobody stands alone!
51ԹϺis constantly growing and for many guests, this will be their first event. Please be welcoming and introduce them to your friends. Live the spirit of connecting global minds to ensure that every member has a lovely time. Thanks!
51ԹϺprovides the infrastructure to organize activities. The voluntary organizers do not represent 51ԹϺas vicarious agents. In the case of gross negligence by the organizers, 51ԹϺtherefore does not accept any legal responsibility for resulting damages. Neither 51ԹϺnor the event organizers assume liability for any loss of or damage to personal property, nor shall they be held responsible in the event of financial, physical, or emotional damage. Organizers and attendees of in-person events agree to adhere to any official health guidelines and local COVID-19 restrictions.